Was at the Emirates cup both days and they were worse Arsenal match day experiences I've ever had. You could say it was pre-season and then it'd be fair enough but this happens every home game.
The ground is full of utter glory hunting w*nkers who know f*ck all about the club. Just because they wear a shirt makes them think they're Arsenal. I knew things were bad at the Emirates but yesterday I truly realized how bad they actually were. I boo-ed Adebayor both days but I have w*nkers around me (Who wont stand up -even for the Arsenal or when about a 100 of us out of 60,000 were singing songs about the filth, sing anything except 'Who are ya'- lamest thing ever or do ANYTHING else except take photos and do mexican waves- cringing) who were cheering Adebayor and BOOING EBOUE! In the end the c*nts around me were singing Adebayor's name and then had the nerve to boo Eboue when he came on. Absolute w*nkers. At least Eboue tries and gives it his all and isnt a greedy elephant washing c*nt.
On the second day fans were boo-ing Van Nistelrooy and Robben (thank @#$%& god) and then Robben comes over to take a corner and no one does anything so I stand up and call him a f*cking ugly c*nt and I look around to see rows and rows of people with bemused expressions and just sitting there doing nothing. You sing songs "stand up for the Arsenal" or "Stand up if you hate Tottenham" and you get 'fans' (with Fabregas on their back looking up with confused expressions. I had blokes around me who were on the phone and talking about going on dates and restaurants and other people who were saying 'this is so boring and score a goal'
On the first day Me and my brother had 4 lads around us who seemed to be true Arsenal and in the end we were having a go at the whole block and called them gloryhunting w*nkers and yids in disguise, and then all I saw was rows and rows of people staring up at us with blank faces (we were right at the back). Some other lads were saying "thats it, thats how you support your club with all your passion" being sarcastic of course and none of those t*ssers said anything. Heard a bloke put it right when he said that imagine if Sp*rs or Liverpool had 60,000 in a ground. the 50 or so Hamburg were making more noise than the rest of the ground put together. Oh and the stewards are absolute @#$%& telling you to sit down when theres a wall behind you
I can see why Adebayor was kissing our badge, because he knew most of our 'support' was full of w*nkers who know f*ck all about the game and that they'd start cheering him, guess he was right
The club has already lost its soul thanks to the premiership going global (SKY @#$%&). Our 'home ground' is full of foreign glory hunting @#$%& who'll be supporting United after 5 years and I wouldn't go to the Emirates even if I got a free ticket for every game. Pretty obvious why some of the core supporters tend to go to away games only and Im going to do the same thing.
Arsenal 3-0 Newcastle--Premiership
Adebayor v Newcastle, 1-0, Emirates Stadium. FT Arsenal 3-0 Newcastle
Flamini v Newcastle, 2-0, Emirates Stadium. FT Arsenal 3-0 Newcastle
Fabregas v...
17 years ago
1 comment:
I have read some bollox im my time but this and the previous post would have rocky turning in his grave......
Who made you Arsenal God to say who should go to the Emirates whether asian or not (obviously you were short sited at HIGHBURY the East Lower was always sprinkled with our Asian friends who didnt detract from any atmosphere and paid a couple hundred quid to get in for their trouble from the low life scum who call themselves touts)
I was at the Juventus game and the atmosphere was dull (I was also at the CL juventus game where it was fkn electric)...the game was dull most people around us were there for a day on the beer...It was a friendly and it didnt matter...yes we all hate Nistleroy and Bobbins and booed Adebayor but does that make us care anymore than the next person?
Arsenal away fans are best...its a magnified view if 3-4000 who are mainly singers who sit in the same area, dont kid yourself these same people are there week in week out at home along with another 10,000 hard corer's. You need the numbers made up though and if you dont you have that you are crappy Blackburn Wigan Bolton ect no floating fanbase.
Short memories also.... whilst the halcyon days of Wengers reighn have seen difficulties in getting Highbury tickets for a 38,000 odd game take a (even with TRS)look back to the early 90s before the new north bank and a simple posted cheque could get you a ticket for the Man utd title clincher....look further back to the mid to late 80s where you could queue to walk on to the North bank and stand with all the passionate singers swaying backwards and forwards but also remember these times saw crowds of between 25,000 for Luton to a 53,000 for the visit of Liverpool weeks later. (fans can be fickle even then they had the right to choose then)
Arsenal fans faces may change but the same commitement from the likes of me you and people that make up the numbers these shouldnt been treated with contempt as you and the other idiot have ...Get a life and stop being a hater
Arsenal and Proud...
Oh and because you shouted at a player whoopee doo 'lads' wouldnt be involved at a friendly grow up quick toss pot and have some respect you make me sick youve been watching to many football factory films ......
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